Vicky Brandt, LMHC

Sep 2, 2019

College Students: How to Reduce the Pressure to Have It All Figured Out

By Karina Zeferino, UMass Amherst Intern

If you’re a college student, you may feel constantly pressured to have it all figured out. When we are continually asked things like what our plans are for after we graduate; if we have a significant other; where we plan on living; and so on, we may feel inclined to give answers that we know people want to hear. Here are two ways to reduce the pressure society instills in us to have it all figured out: 

  1. Make peace with uncertainty: Become comfortable with the possibility that you may not know the answers to the questions people ask, and that is okay. 

  2. Live in the present: Constantly trying to map out your future can be draining and sometimes even pointless. Focusing on perfecting your future takes away from the experiences we should be cherishing in the present. So, instead of spending countless hours researching every possible job in your field of study, go spend time with your roommate, with whom your time is limited. Life doesn’t begin when you start your career, it starts now, so enjoy it! 

Remember: Your hard work and effort will pay off. Worrying and obsessing over a “plan” will only hinder your progress. Focus on doing your best and the rest will fall into place!

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