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World Art Day

Let’s foster a connection between art and society. First observed in 2012 on the birthday of Leonardo da Vinci, April 15th is World Art Day. It's an international celebration created by the International Association of Art (IAA). The IAA partners with UNESCO to promote the profound importance of art and artists. It's a day to inspire and enrich the lives of all human beings.

As an expressive arts therapist, I highly value the role the arts can play in our lives and in our growth as individuals. Whether you enjoy or identify with visual art, music, dance/movement, acting/storytelling, creative writing or another kind of creativity not listed here, today is the day to find something creative to add to your palate.

So as we arrive to World Art Day, consider participating in the arts. We can foster arts around the world as a means of enriching the lives of those around us. Why not try one (or more) of these activities?

  • Make/draw/collage a picture;

  • Play/perform a song;

  • Write/recite a poem, prose, or story;

  • Visit a museum, take a picture of a piece of art and post it on social media;

  • Find a postcard and mail it to someone;

  • Try a new form of creative expression or rekindle a past creative venture;

  • Start writing that book you’ve been putting off;

  • Create a TikTok or Reel that uses music/movement/spoken-word and share it.

The ideas are endless, so I hope you’ll engage. I’ll certainly try. And if you use Facebook or Instagram, consider tagging us and let us know how you’re celebrating World Art Day - today!


Lou Lim, LMHC, REAT is a licensed mental health counselor and registered expressive arts therapist (REAT) with a master's degree in Expressive Therapy and Mental Health Counseling from Lesley University. He is a member of the International Expressive Arts Therapy Association and on the committee for REAT credentialing. He has 13 years of experience in counseling and expressive therapy working with children, adolescents, teenagers, adults, and retirees.

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